Geometry Test-4

geometri soruları

Question 40-) ABC and KCN are each triangle, [AD] perpendicular [BN], | AD | = | KN |, | AK | = | KC | if; What is the measure of the KNB angle?

geometri soruları

Question 41-) ABC is a triangle, [BA] perpendicular [AC], | AD | = | BE | = | EC |, if m (CBA) = 30 °; How many degrees is m (DCE) = α?

geometri soruları

Question 42-) If ABC is a triangle, [PA] perpendicular [AC], m (BAP) = 15 °, m (ACP) = 25 °; | PC | / | AB | What is the rate?

geometri soruları

Question 43-) ABC is a triangle, [BK] perpendicular [AC], | BL | = | LC |, | BK | = | AL | if; How many degrees is m (LAC) = x?

geometri soruları

Question 44-) If point E on [BD] is the cut-off point of the heights of the triangle ABC, | BE | = 4k root3 cm, | ED | = root3 cm, m (ACB) = 60 °; | AC | = how many cm is x?

geometri soruları

Question 45-) If ABC right triangle, [BA] perpendicular [AC], [AE] perpendicular [BC], | BD | = | DC |, | AD | = 10 cm, m (ACB) = 15 °; | AE | = how many cm is x?

geometri soruları

Question 46-) If ABC is a triangle, [DA] perpendicular [AC], m (BAD) = 45 °, | AD | = root2 cm, | AC | = 2 root2 cm; | AB | = how many cm is x?

geometri soruları

Question 47-) If points A, D and E are linear, [AE] perpendicular [BC], | AD | = 7 cm, | AC | = 8 cm, | BD | = 3 cm in triangle ABC; | DC | = how many cm is x?

geometri soruları

Question 48-) ABC and CBD are a triangle, [AB] perpendicular [BD], | CB | = | CD |, | AC | = | BD | if; How many degrees is m (BAC) = x?

geometri soruları

Question 49-) The intersection point of ABC and DBC right triangle, [AB] perpendicular [BC], [BD] perpendicular [DC], [AC] and [BD] is E, m (DCA) = m (ACB), | AE | = 10 cm, | BE | = 5 root if 5 cm; | EC | = how many cm is x?

geometri soruları

Question 50-) In the right triangle ABC, if | AB | = | BC |, | BF | = 1 cm, | CF | = 2 cm, | AF | = root2 cm; How many degrees is m (AFB) = x?

geometri soruları

Question 51-) In the right triangle ABC, if | AB | = 6 cm, | BD | = 2 root cm, | DC | = 4k root2 cm, m (BAD) = x; What is the cotx value?

geometri soruları

Question 52-) If ABC is a triangle, [FE] perpendicular [BC], | FE | = 3 cm, | BE | = 6 cm, | EC | = 9 cm; How many degrees is m (ACF) = x?

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